Ben is serving as a part of the Word of Life Ontario team with the “Engage” ministry. His primary goal is working directly with churches. By ministering to the needs of local churches and training leaders to produce disciple making disciples, it is our vision that every teen in Canada hear the Gospel from a friend. Ben also is the director of the annual winter camp called “Recharge”. Megan’s primary job is to train and disciple the four wonderful children God has gifted to us.
About Ben
My relationship with Jesus Christ began when I was young. I knew that I was a sinner, those sins earned me death, but I didn’t have to die if I accepted Jesus’ free gift.
Growing up I loved going to church and learning about God and the Bible. I considered myself extremely privileged in my upbringing and heritage. In 2011 when I when to the Word of Life Bible Institute. I was pushed outside my comfort zone and challenged with the reality of the Gospel in such a way that I realized that I needed to surrender control of my life to God. Jesus needed to be not just a savior, but also Lord. I was already justified and saved by the blood of Christ, but this was a necessary step in me fully maturing and walking in obedience. I met my wonderful wife during our first year at WOL, and we maintained a long distance relationship over the next year as I traveled with the WOL Impact Team, and she studied to be an Advanced EMT. After, we were married and God provided a job and a wonderful place to live. While we were traveling to a WOL Missions Conference in January 2016, we heard that the ministries in Europe were turning away people because they didn’t have enough people to send. Megan and I sought to find out if God would have us meet this need for more workers. What seemed at first to be a daunting and almost impossible idea financially for us, turned into a wide open door as God made it possible go back to the Bible Institute for more training. For two years we served with WOL Poland with the Cross cultural internship and now we are serving with the team in Owen Sound, Ontario.
About Megan
I grew up in the state of Maine into a catholic home, I was always searching for God but was never able to find Him. In the sixth grade I was invited to go to a summer camp called Living Waters Bible Camp. That is where I learned of this great God who I had been searching and longing for. I learned that He loves me and sent His only Son to die for me and three days later rose from the dead to set me free from my sin! Then I made the most important decision I will ever make, that is to trust Christ as my Lord and Savior. I surrendered my life to Him that day and was changed. From there I always wanted to be a missionary and went on a few trips. In 2011 I attended the Word of Life Bible Institute in NY where I met my husband.
To contribute via cheque, please write the cheques in the name of: “Word of Life Canada” In the memo section designate: BEN & MEGAN POWELL Mail to: Word of Life Canada 617796 Grey Road 18 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5W4